Heres a sick clip of a night sesh at wedgewood. Wish I could have been there. Featuring Paul Carmen, Pat Dooney, Collin Welch, Erik Mangal, Collin Bauder and Joey Christoffers. Edited and filmed by Collin Welch. The song got taken off cause youtube is lame.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Old Joey Christoffers Clip
Old clip of Joey Christoffers at Cory Quigleys house. The kickflip is perfect. Filmed and Edited by Cory Quigley. The Gap is right off his porch haha.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Pat Owens Old Footage
Sorry about the lack of new updates. I have been having a lot of trouble with my capturing camera. As soon as I fix that I will post a lot of new footage.
His a real old clip of Pat Owens from around 2005. Its funny to see all the stages wedge goes through. I never got to skate those wooden hubbas but they looked fun. Check out the switch flip over the 7 in telford at 30 seconds. I remember being pretty shocked by that and how perfect it was. The tailslide at 50 seconds is sick. That ledge is scarier in person. The nollie varial heel down the 5 at what used to be dairy queen was crazy haha. I dont know anyone who can do that down stuff. The nollie flip was so perfect. Back then none of our friends were really doing switch or nollie stuff down anything. That would still be sick today.
His a real old clip of Pat Owens from around 2005. Its funny to see all the stages wedge goes through. I never got to skate those wooden hubbas but they looked fun. Check out the switch flip over the 7 in telford at 30 seconds. I remember being pretty shocked by that and how perfect it was. The tailslide at 50 seconds is sick. That ledge is scarier in person. The nollie varial heel down the 5 at what used to be dairy queen was crazy haha. I dont know anyone who can do that down stuff. The nollie flip was so perfect. Back then none of our friends were really doing switch or nollie stuff down anything. That would still be sick today.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jimmy Burke "First Try"
This is a little edit Jimmy Simpson made of my friend Jimmy Burke for our video "First Try" from 2004. Most of the footage is even older. Burke was my good friend when we were little and was the reason I got into skating. He lived down the street from me when I lived in Drexel Hill. Most of this footage is from a couple days of skating but I saw him do some sick stuff back then. He would kickflip that 7 stair everday and would skate some gaps that I think are still big.
Jimmy Simpson has a couple tricks too. Hes the one with the long hair kickflipping the 7 at Burke and Jimmy does the kickflip 5050 nollie shuv out.
Jimmy Simpson has a couple tricks too. Hes the one with the long hair kickflipping the 7 at Burke and Jimmy does the kickflip 5050 nollie shuv out.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Red Bull Manny Mania contest in philly
Heres a clip from the red bull manny mania contest we checked out a little while ago. Some really sick skating. Check out Tore Bevivino nosemanny back tail and back smith. Jahmal Smiths tricks are definitely my favorite. Such a sick style
pause it at 24 seconds if you wanna see me and erik haha
pause it at 24 seconds if you wanna see me and erik haha
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Extra Tricks (7/9-11-12/09)
A good weekend of skating. I got to skate on thursday too with my friend kyle Schmidt. We skated Collin Fegals mini ramp and then skated wedge. We both learned some new tricks on the bigger bank at wedge. I got bluntslides to fakie and he got fs tailslides to fakie. Friday we skated at wedge all day on the new ledge/manny pad. That thing is a lot of fun! thanks to everybody who built it, good work. We filmed some stuff on it too. Collin Bauder and Joey Christoffers got a couple of single tricks on it and Erik was doing a lot of sick manny combos. Erik promised Collin a new board if he got his trick first try. Collin didnt get it but Joey got his trick first try haha. He didnt get the board but at least he got a trick.
Saturday we skated at wedge again. Andrew Davis was killin it and got 3 sick tricks over the new ledge. I got a grind to manny trick too. Jimmy landed a sick run but he wants to add a trick too it so were gonna re film it.
Sunday we stayed at wedge again haha. A lot of people were skating. Everybody has been doing sick stuff on the new manny/ledge. Chop got a good trick over the whole ledge that took a lot of work haha. He landed on it probably 6 times before he got it. Matt Powell got a really sick trick over the whole ledge that definitely has never been done. Erik was doing manny combos that would be hard for anyone except him. Pat McCullion got a sick grind to manny trick and Collin Bauder got a nice trick over the whole thing. Tore Bevivino was doing all kinds of combo stuff on the ledge. Overall a good weekend and a lot of filmin.
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Extra tricks from the weekend featuring Erik Mangal, kyle Schmidt, Tore Bevivino and Pat McCullion. Also some older extra clips and falls featuring Erik Mangal, Joey Christoffers, Billy Simpson, Collin Bauder, Jimmy Simpson and Joey O'brien.
Saturday we skated at wedge again. Andrew Davis was killin it and got 3 sick tricks over the new ledge. I got a grind to manny trick too. Jimmy landed a sick run but he wants to add a trick too it so were gonna re film it.
Sunday we stayed at wedge again haha. A lot of people were skating. Everybody has been doing sick stuff on the new manny/ledge. Chop got a good trick over the whole ledge that took a lot of work haha. He landed on it probably 6 times before he got it. Matt Powell got a really sick trick over the whole ledge that definitely has never been done. Erik was doing manny combos that would be hard for anyone except him. Pat McCullion got a sick grind to manny trick and Collin Bauder got a nice trick over the whole thing. Tore Bevivino was doing all kinds of combo stuff on the ledge. Overall a good weekend and a lot of filmin.
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Extra tricks from the weekend featuring Erik Mangal, kyle Schmidt, Tore Bevivino and Pat McCullion. Also some older extra clips and falls featuring Erik Mangal, Joey Christoffers, Billy Simpson, Collin Bauder, Jimmy Simpson and Joey O'brien.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ricky Finn and Vinni Prosseda "First Try"
Ricky was me and jims first skate friend. We have been good friends since 7th grade. We skated together everyday for 2 years from about 7th to 9th grade. We didnt have anyone to drive us so me, ricky and jimmy would pretty much just skate around Harleysville everyday and occasionally took trips to souderton. We skated every gap we could find in Harleysville and Souderton haha. Him, Jake Hoffman and Dan Ackerman really pushed me and Jimmy to try new stuff. Rick and Jake were always so good at manuals. They really inspired me to learn a lot of that stuff. Ive seen ricky do some pretty crazy stuff. But when we skated we really didnt film anything. He could do a lot of stuff in middle school that I still have trouble with now haha. So many good times skating and hanging out at ricks house. Probably some of the best times Ive had skating.
Heres a clip from our first video "First Try" featuring Ricky Finn and Vinni Prosseda. We filmed all of rickys trick in the span of a couple weekends haha. He had quit skating for a couple years before this but he occasionally would come out. He could still do everything. Most of this stuff was first or second try. I remember being pretty shocked when he did the nosemanny shuv to manny first try. We really werent doing tricks like that then. Vinni's manny on the skinny ledge at Methactin highschool was so sick.
And I was really surprised by the manny kickflip cross foot haha. We used to watch the Flip "Sorry" video and we thought it was sick when bastien salabanzi did a kickflip crossfoot over some stairs. He learned it the next day.
Heres a clip from our first video "First Try" featuring Ricky Finn and Vinni Prosseda. We filmed all of rickys trick in the span of a couple weekends haha. He had quit skating for a couple years before this but he occasionally would come out. He could still do everything. Most of this stuff was first or second try. I remember being pretty shocked when he did the nosemanny shuv to manny first try. We really werent doing tricks like that then. Vinni's manny on the skinny ledge at Methactin highschool was so sick.
And I was really surprised by the manny kickflip cross foot haha. We used to watch the Flip "Sorry" video and we thought it was sick when bastien salabanzi did a kickflip crossfoot over some stairs. He learned it the next day.
Extra Tricks (7/3-4-5/09)
A good weekend of skating. Friday me and Jim had off of work so we skated all day. We skated at wedge for a while. A lot of close tricks went down off the ramp over and trashcan and on the bank. Joey Christoffers and Joey Paone got close to some sick bank tricks and Jimmy and Chop got real close to some tricks over the trashcan off the ramp. Tore got a nice trick over the trashcan and I got a trick on the bank. Later on me, Jimmy, Chop, Tyler Lindsey and Joey Paone skated a suzy's for a while.
Saturday, July 4th everybody was doing stuff so me, Erik and Jimmy skated wedge most of the day. Erik got a sick manny trick and Mark Beids got real close to sick bs noseblunt on the quaterpipe. Check out this clip of Mark and his friends. Joey kickflip at Genesis is ridiculous.
Later on me, Jim and Erik got some food at Eriks house. Thanks Erik! Then me, Erik and Tore went around checkin out some spots. Tore got pretty close to a back heel over the bump to grass gap but decided to move on to check out some other stuff before it got to dark.
Sunday we started out at wedge. Everybody was there. Erik Mangal got a sick manny trick that he had been working on. Matt Powell got a good trick on the white bench and Tore Bevivino got 2 tricks on the bank first try haha. Everybody was killin it.
Then we all headed over to the north montco manny pad. Pat McCullion got a ridiculous trick down it and jimmy got a real nice trick too. Then we headed over to Bones grill. Collin Bauder and Tore were skating this metal thing that you had to gap out to and then gap out to the landing. They made it look easy. Not to much went down on the ledges but Joey ollied the big gap that jimmy ollied a couple of years back as his ender in "Creatures of Habit". Joey got it first try. After that we headed over to this 8 stair but the crack at the top was messin people up so were gonna go back. Overall a good weekend with a lot of skating.

Jimmy Simpson Fs Flip. He can get these pretty much every other try. Photo by Erik Mangal

Tore Bevivino. Too easy for him. Photo by Erik Mangal

Mark Beids. He was trying to get bs noseblunt. He was doing them so nice but couldnt put it down. He would accidently land these cool nosegrind things that still looked sick. Photo by Erik Mangal

Joey Christoffers. Photo by Erik Mangal

Some of the wedge crew. Dooney was halarious

Probably my first photo of skating in a year haha. Thanks Erik!

nice sunset after a long day of skating

Erik really likes super heroes
Heres a clip featuring Alex Robinson, Tore Bevivino, Erik Mangal, Pat McCullion, Billy Simpson and Mark Beids. Sorry about some of the audio. My transfer camera has been really crappy lately.
Erik can manny anything. That nosemanny trick is really hard and he did it first try. The roof gap thing pat ollies is in ambler. You cant really tell but it was really sketchy. It was that soft roof material thats so hard to ride on. I learned front feebles on the quaterpipe. Im sure a lot of people can do them but there really fun. All of Tore's tricks would be hard for anyone except him. Most of them were first or second try. I really like the switch flip on the bank.
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Saturday, July 4th everybody was doing stuff so me, Erik and Jimmy skated wedge most of the day. Erik got a sick manny trick and Mark Beids got real close to sick bs noseblunt on the quaterpipe. Check out this clip of Mark and his friends. Joey kickflip at Genesis is ridiculous.
Later on me, Jim and Erik got some food at Eriks house. Thanks Erik! Then me, Erik and Tore went around checkin out some spots. Tore got pretty close to a back heel over the bump to grass gap but decided to move on to check out some other stuff before it got to dark.
Sunday we started out at wedge. Everybody was there. Erik Mangal got a sick manny trick that he had been working on. Matt Powell got a good trick on the white bench and Tore Bevivino got 2 tricks on the bank first try haha. Everybody was killin it.
Then we all headed over to the north montco manny pad. Pat McCullion got a ridiculous trick down it and jimmy got a real nice trick too. Then we headed over to Bones grill. Collin Bauder and Tore were skating this metal thing that you had to gap out to and then gap out to the landing. They made it look easy. Not to much went down on the ledges but Joey ollied the big gap that jimmy ollied a couple of years back as his ender in "Creatures of Habit". Joey got it first try. After that we headed over to this 8 stair but the crack at the top was messin people up so were gonna go back. Overall a good weekend with a lot of skating.

Jimmy Simpson Fs Flip. He can get these pretty much every other try. Photo by Erik Mangal

Tore Bevivino. Too easy for him. Photo by Erik Mangal

Mark Beids. He was trying to get bs noseblunt. He was doing them so nice but couldnt put it down. He would accidently land these cool nosegrind things that still looked sick. Photo by Erik Mangal

Joey Christoffers. Photo by Erik Mangal

Some of the wedge crew. Dooney was halarious

Probably my first photo of skating in a year haha. Thanks Erik!

nice sunset after a long day of skating

Erik really likes super heroes
Heres a clip featuring Alex Robinson, Tore Bevivino, Erik Mangal, Pat McCullion, Billy Simpson and Mark Beids. Sorry about some of the audio. My transfer camera has been really crappy lately.
Erik can manny anything. That nosemanny trick is really hard and he did it first try. The roof gap thing pat ollies is in ambler. You cant really tell but it was really sketchy. It was that soft roof material thats so hard to ride on. I learned front feebles on the quaterpipe. Im sure a lot of people can do them but there really fun. All of Tore's tricks would be hard for anyone except him. Most of them were first or second try. I really like the switch flip on the bank.
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Erik Mangal and Matt Powell
Heres a sick clip of some old footage of Erik Mangal and Matt Powell at Wedgewood. Ridiculous tricks in this one. Lines for days!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Falls Section "Creatures of Habit" #2
We had a bunch of falls and close tricks left over after Jimmy edited "Creatures of Habit" from 2007. So I threw together a little edit of some stuff.
Featuring Billy Simpson, John Provencher, Jimmy Simpson, James Cowley, Jimmy fossile, Frank Smith, Pat Owens and Doug Cole
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Featuring Billy Simpson, John Provencher, Jimmy Simpson, James Cowley, Jimmy fossile, Frank Smith, Pat Owens and Doug Cole
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