Thanksgiving! Thursday the 26th me and jim went to wedge when it dried. We had a fun session with kitrell and warren. I got pretty close to 5-0 fs bigspin out. Jimmy got a real nice smith kickflip within about 8 tries and a front tail front bigspin aka the jeff colombo trick. He got a close to a lot of other stuff too. The new ledge is amazing. thanks again to brian panebianco and TZ for making it.
Friday the 27th it was pretty crappy out and I wasnt gonna skate but kevin pham called me, im glad he did. I met up with kevin, kevin nguyen, joey obrien, greg jones and devon russell at the curcuit city gap. Joey kickflipped it with ease before I got there and got a sick ollie north down it. Dev got a fs 180 down it.
Photos by Kevin Pham

Joey and Dev at circuit city

Dev fs 180 circuit city gap

Joey O'brien Kickflip circuit city gap

Joey O'brien no footer haha

Joey O'brien ollie north
After that we checked out china bump. Dev got a nice impossible/3 shuv off the side. Kevin pham got a real nice fs shuv over it, front foot catch and all. Joey got so close to the most stylish varial heel but he felt bad about taking to long so he gave up.

Devon Impossible

Joey varial heel attempt
After that we went to wedge and jimmy met up with us. We skated wedge for a little then we checked out this gap in souderton that we call the pretzel gap. Its from the parking lot of the providence book store to the parking lot of the pretzel factory. The gap looked so hard. First you have to get over a guard rail, then you have to clear about 4 feet of grass and plants and a cement wall. Then there is the drop thats probably 6 or 7 feet high. Joey Obrien bailed it a few times then the first time he cleared the guard rail he got it so perfect. Devon got so close probably 6 times but had to give up cause he was slamming so hard.

Devon's pretzel gap attempt

Joey Ollie pretzel gap. Amazing!
After that we went to Calvary church to check out the rail they have. Joey bs boardslid it with ease. Then he got a sick front board on the outside rail that reminded me of jamie thomas.
Saturday the 28th we skated wedge. We had a good session on the granite ledge. Erik Mangal was killin it. He fs smith's the whole ledge with ease. He got a long fs fakie 5-0 pop out on the granite ledge. Pat McCullion got a nice bs nosegrind shuv and almost got a 3 shuv out. my brother jimmy got so close to front blunt kickflip out.
Sunday the 29th it was really nice out. We started out at wedge where everybody was skating. We decided to check out the Norristown highschool since we really havent skated anywhere else in a while. I got close to half cab manny revert on the pad and Chop landed on a back tail to fakie on the pad but didnt ride away clean. Besides not having success in Norristown Overall it was a really good week of skating.
Extra Tricks from the break and an old clip of jimmy at the dustbowls from earlier this year. Featuring Alex "Chop" Robinson, Devon Russell, Billy Simpson (not skating haha), Erik Mangal, Pat McCullion, Joey O'brien, Mark Beids and Jimmy Simpson.