I met Pat probably 4 or 5 years ago. He always dressed little different and skated a little different then everybody else haha. Watching Pat skate you can tell he doesnt really pay attention to the skateboard world, he really just does his own thing. His favorite skater growing up was Rodney Mullen. When I first met Pat a lot of the skating he did was freestyle stuff haha. I can tell it helped him with his skating. His balance when it comes to manuals is pretty insane. He can do some many different combinations of manual tricks. He can do a lot of weird flip tricks too. He is definitely one the harder people to be in skate haha. Pat would come to the boys and girls club when I would be working out in the skatepark. He was so consistent with everything. He would do his lines over and over til he got them perfect. Everytime we had a competition there he would always be in the top 3.
The first day we actually went out skating with him we went to the Landis pad in Harleysville. He did a heelflip manny, double flip manny, half cab flip manny, and fakie bigflip manny in about 20 minutes. It was pretty crazy. Another day we went to the Quakertown 6 set in the hallway. Pat's pop shuvit down it was perfect.
One of the earlier times I started skating with him we filmed his manny tre flip out on the granite pad. I was shocked. That pad is pretty short for flip tricks out of manny and he was getting it every other try.
Devon Russell has some tricks in Pat's part. I met Devon a long time ago too. Him and Pat grew up skating together. Devon is the type of kid that wont skate for months and just come out and throw himself down something. I remember him telling me he fs 180d the Souderton 11 and he said he would do it again if I wanted to film it. He called me up the one day and said he was at the highschool and would try it if we wanted to come up. He ollied it real quick and started going for the 180. He took some really hard slams probably 5 or 6 times and then he got it perfect! Right after he landed it and we were leaving we saw cops coming up. Perfect timing.
I was really impressed with pats manny inward heels. He can do these pretty consistently too so we just went to the CVS pad in Souderton and filmed one. It didnt take him very long to get a good one. Pat could kickflip out of manny everytime so I told him he should try 5-0 kickflip. He learned them pretty fast.
Some other tricks that I really liked was the manny kickflip to manny in Telford. Chop had to stand in the street to block this car from hitting Pat as he was riding away haha. These people started yelling at us right when he landed it. That same day we went up to ames to refilm his kickflip manny tre flip out. I couldnt believe how easily he could do it.
Pat's new stuff for our video "Framework" is looking even better.
Pat blunt grab to fakie at the merck banks
360 flip some random circle 5 stair. Pat actually did this twice. Perfect both times.
Pat, John and AJ in philly