Extra's for "Framework" featuring Alex Robinson, Jimmy Simpson, Tyler Lindsay, Tore Bevivino, Brian Panebianco, Dan Trauger, Mark Beidlingmaier, Erik Mangal, Joey O'Brien, Pat McCullion, Matt Powell, Cory Quigley and Kevin Pham. Filmed by Billy Simpson.
This clip is a mix of old and new stuff. Chops nosegrind pop out was so random and is actually from a little over a year ago. Since he did it on a way higher ledge I threw it in here. Tore is too good. The kickflip back tail on the barrier would be awesome for anyone else but for Tore its just the first half a of a line. Joey O'Brien's cab kickflip off the kicker was amazing. He hurt his foot while he was trying it so he stopped. I found later it was actually broken. Get better soon man!
Mark Beidlingmaier kills the pole jam. I know I have a lot of clips of him skating that thing but thats just because I like seeing him do it. He can skate a lot of other stuff too. The other day me and him had a good session on the granite ledge at wedge. He learned front tail 270s and I landed a 5-0 to switch crook aka "The Penny" because Brian Panebianco can do them so easily as you can see in the below clip from the Sabotage site.
Quakertown Trip
On Saturday April 3rd me, Jimmy and Chop started the day at wedge. Chop landed on a nosemanny bigspin on the granite pad but didn't ride away. I filmed a noseslide on to fakie on the big bank and Jim got pretty close to a line with a kickflip nosegrind on the brick ledges.
Then we decided to skate around Quakertown. After a few spots we ended up at the Quakertown Skatepark. The ramps are pretty messed up but we managed to have a half hour session on the ledges across and down the pyramid. Jimmy and Chop both got bs 5050 across and down the ledges and I did it frontside. Jim got a nice bs 5-0 down the ledge too.
After that we checked out the Quakertown Target cause Jim had always looked at those red cement balls they have out front. They are pretty high and hard to come off of but Jim mananged to ollie onto one and ride off the other side real nice. He did it three times until we got one he liked.
Then we went to the high angle iron ledge that Chop fs smithed and Jimmy bs smithed in Collective. I had trouble even getting on the thing but Chop managed to get a sick fs nosegrind pop out in the middle of the ledge. He did it twice too! After that we called it a day.
Philly Trip
On Sunday April 10th Me, Kevin Pham and Jimmy skated around Philly. Me and Kevin picked up Jimmy and we headed to the granite to stair ledge that Tom Asta killed in the memory gun promo at 2:46. Jim was messing around with a few things but nothing really worked out and Kevin got a bs noseslide to manny onto the bottom stair that turned out pretty nice.

Kevin noseslide to manny
Jim fs 5-0
After that we headed to this natural hip behind the K mart near Roosevelt Blvd. I had seen it in videos and it looked perfect but its actually pretty hard to skate. It is steep and it gets pretty tiring running and trying your trick. Plus its right next to a busy street so you have to make sure your board doesn't shoot out. Jimmy got really close to a bs wallride and landed on some really sick looking impossibles but didn't ride away.
After landing on a bunch of bs bigspins kevin switched it up and starting trying hardflip bs 180's. I had filmed kevin do that trick on the little hip in Lansdale just for fun but once I saw a clip of the philly hip and I showed it to Kevin we had planned on going there for a while to film that trick. After battling for it kevin got a perfect one. Definitely one the my favorite tricks I've filmed of Kevin. It was great to see something work out that he had wanted to do for months.

Jim bs wallride

Me and Kev Matching outfits!
Jimmy Mcdonald kills baldi and his ender in this clip at the philly hip is amazing at 5:15.
Baldi Trip
On Saturday April 17th me, Chop, Cory Quigley, Pat McCullion and John Provencher went to Baldi. Chop got real close to a fs 5-0 back 180 on the third stair. I was filming most of the time but I did do a manny bs 180 across the second stair, that was pretty fun. Pat got really close to a manny tre flip out on the third stair but we kind of ran out of time cause he had to be back for work. Damn Burger King! He did do a pretty sick ollie manual down the bank. That looked scary. Cory was the MVP. He did a sick bs lip, back tail and nollie back tail on the third stair. Cory did the nollie back tail twice. The first time I wasn't in the right spot to film it and then the next try he did one even better. That time I got it right.
R.I.P. Guru
Recent Skate Clips I've Enjoyed
I went to the This Time Tomorrow premiere on Monday night April 19th at the Troc. Chris Mulhern did a great job. It makes you want to skate and its great to see some amazing philly skating. Penny and John Kroesser have some sick tricks in there. It is defnitely worth buying. Heres a the This Time Tomorrow Offcuts Clip thats thats real sick.
Expedition One United Nations. So amazing! Matt Miller is ridiculous
Tom Asta Mystery Welcome Clip. Everyones probably seen it already but so good.
Evan Smith part from the DC Am video. Every part from this has been good.
Lakai videos are always great. This new am one titled Am I Am is awesome. I love Vincent Alvarez style and Riley Hawk is amazing.