Saturday the 10th we skated wedge all day, we had a good time. Jimmy got a nice 2 trick line with some wallie tricks. Joey Obrien was off doing some crazy early grab stuff off the blue quaterpipe. Erik Mangal and Joey Christoffers had a sick game of skate on the ledges. Erik got a nice line on the small ledge and the white bench.
Sunday the 11th Me, Kevin Pham and Tyler Lindsay went to Baldi Middle School. We didnt get any tricks there but we met some cool people. Steve Durante was there and a few of his friends from Italy were there. They couldnt have been nicer. One of the guys named Diego gave Kevin wheels and bearings that were pretty much brand new. His other friend Franco was a real nice guy too. Steve Durante got really close to nollie heelflip nosegrind on one of the ledges.
Heres Steve Durante part from Habitat's "Inhabitants". So sick!
Later on we went to the green banks. Tyler got a nice front tail to fakie. I got a back bluntslide 270 and Kevin got a front bluntslide 270. Overall it was a fun weekend of skating.

Me gettin gnarly at baldi. Thanks Kevin!

Eriks the only one that makes jimmy look small

Tyler Lindsay fs tailslide to fakie on green banks. Photo by Kevin Pham
I didnt think we would be skating at all on Sunday the 18th but the rain finally stopped and Erik Mangal invited me to come with him and Brian Panebianco to some spots. We started out at this tennis court type place in Ambler. They had a nice Eric Koston box and a flat bar. Erik and Brian killed it.
After that we went to the Wissahickon highschool to skate the benches. Erik got a nice bs noseslide 270 shuv and Brian went through a bunch of tricks. Collin Welch and Kitrell Norman met up with us there.
From there Brian took us to this sick ledge spot where you can skate the stairs sideways. It grinded and slid real nice. Collin got a bs 5-0 shuv out, Brian got a perfect front blunt to fakie and back blunt to fakie and Erik got a bs 5-0 bs 180 out and sick noseblunt slide to regular and fakie. Of course I missed Brian's back blunt to fakie cause I suck.
After that we headed to Warminster skatepark. I had never been there before. Its a pretty fun park. I love the long manny pad/boxes and the flatbar was really fun. I learned back blunts on the flatbar and erik learned front blunts. Collin Welch has the nicest fs salads on it. Brian was doing so many good lines and ledge tricks but I got to caught up skating to film anything.
Heres a clip Ryan Higgins Filmed of Brian at Warminster park. The front tail 270 is ridiculous. Its not a mini table thats a legit picnic table.
I just got a new fisheye and I couldnt see the sun shade thing in the viewfinder but you can see it when you upload footage. Im gonna fix it and get it right for the next time we film.
Heres a clip of some extra tricks and other stuff from the weekends. Featuring Billy Simpson, Jimmy Simpson, Erik Mangal and Brian Panebianco.
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