Thursday me and Kyle Schmidt hit up Collin Fegal's mini ramp again. We had a good session. Then we headed over to wedge to meet up with Pat McCullion. Kyle got a good grind to manny combo on the new ledge and Pat got a nice flip trick on the big bank.
Friday I skated wedge with Pat Owens, Pat McCullion, Jeff Colombo and Cory Quigley. Jeff got a sick trick on the new ledge over the manny pad and Pat McCullion got a sick line on the marble pad and the white bench. Cory got real close to a sick trick over the trashcan but couldnt put it down.
Saturday I we were supposed to go to king of prussia to skate but I was an idiot friday night and was sick all day saturday. I met up with Erik Mangal, Ryan Koons, Tore Bevivino, Collin Bauder and Anthony Krystopa at wedge. We had a good sesh and played some games of skate.
Sunday we had a big crew and we skated this spot in audubon. It was myself, Jimmy Simpson, Kevin Pham, Erik Mangal, Collin Bauder, Anthony Krstopa, Evan, Matt Powell, Joey Christoffers, Joey Paone, Cory Quigley and Collin Welch. There was a couple of things to skate there. There was a pole jam onto a cement platform and then a metal barrier you could do tricks over. There is a pretty big gap thats intimidating too. Nick Dompierre tre flipped it. check the clip at 10 seconds.
Matt Powell ollied the gap, Collin got a fs 180 over the gap and Joey Christoffers got a bs 180. Erik got a good trick over the metal barrier. Jimmy and Collin welch got close to some good lines with the pole jam and a trick over the barrier. Later on Me, Jimmy, Kevin Pham and Cory skated at circuit city. Kevin got the most perfect hardflip down the gap! Overall it was a fun weekend.

Collin Welch, Erik Mangal, Jimmy Simpson, Joey Christoffers and Anthony Krystopa. Photo by Kevin Pham

Extra Tricks featuring Kevin Pham, Collin Bauder, Joey Christoffers and Matt Powell
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