After that Joey and his little brother mikey took us to the inglewood 8 stair rail. The rail is pretty high and it lands right into the grass. Joey had a skinny piece of a wood to land on. After taking some pretty hard falls into the grass Joey got a front board and Chop got a bs 5-0.
After that we headed to the Circuit City gap. Pat McCullion and my brother Jimmy met up with us. Joey O'brien got a perfect heelflip and Pat McCullion got a really nice 360 flip. Jimmy was getting really close to a switch fs bigspin but landed on the curb one try and rolled his ankle.
Finally we went to the Merck Banks. I got really close to 5-0 revert but I kept getting stuck coming back down. After that we called it a day.
Sunday me, Alex Robinson, Tyler Lindsey and Kevin Pham went to perkasie. We started out at the perkasie park. We had a good sesh on the mini ramp. After that we went to the bank in perkasie. Alex was getting really close to bs 5050 this rail and popping out early to avoid the curb at the bottom of the rail. Right as he was getting used to it a cop rolled up and kicked us out.
Then we went to Pennride highschool. Chop found this rail next to a ledge similar to the one at drexel in philly. He did a front board and a sick front feeble on it. Then we headed over to the Giant and Kevin showed us this nice 6 stair right behind the store. Kevin landed on kickflip 5 or 6 times but didnt ride away.
Then we headed back to pennridge and had a good sesh on the two 3 stairs in a row. Erik met up with us and we went back to the 6 stair. Erik got a fs 180 and Chop got a bs pop shuvit. Then we spot searched a little bit and called it a day.

No skate photos on this trip cause I was either skating or filming and my photographer erik mangal wasnt there til later! Tyler found this dead butterfly so I took a photo of it. I thought it looked really nice.
Sorry theres not many landed tricks in this one. All the other tricks were gonna save for the video. featuring Billy Simpson, Alex Robinson, Kevin Pham, Erik Mangal, and Jimmy Simpson. Jimmy rolled his ankle trying the switch fs bigspin so he couldnt skate the next spot. Instead he decided to impersonate the cicada we found on the ground haha.
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