Featuring Zach Panebianco, Pat Hennigan, Joey Christoffers, Pat McCullion, Anthony Krystopa, Alex Robinson, Dustin Detweiler, Kevin Pham, Billy Simpson, Jimmy Simpson, Collin Bauder, Jeff Colombo and John Provencher.
The first 4 clips are some older ones that have been on my computer. Zach is pretty sick on rails. I was showing him the Moes gap right next to the rail that Joey Christoffers ollied and kickflipped a while back and he decided to front board the rail. The ride up is pretty sketchy without a sign and the kink on the end didn't make it any easier. Joey Christoffers line at baldi was filmed over a year ago now. I cant believe how fast time goes. He did a sick line there with the long board that were saving for "Framework". They're knocking down the Souderton Highschool so I thought it would be cool to film somebody do a line there like we used to do when we were younger. The 5 and 4 were one of the main spots for kids who skated around Harleysville, Souderton and Telford area. Pat is so consistent, he had no problem 360 flipping the 5 over and over again to do the line.
Collin Bauder did a sick pole jam 360 at wedge recently and while I was filming him do that trick Anthony and Chop rifled off some pole jam tricks. Right before Chop went to try the switch pole jam and fell, he cut off Dan Trauger. Karma Chop haha. Dustin is one of the younger guys at wedge, who is getting a lot better. His nollie back tail revert on the quaterpipe was really stylish. Kevin Pham has landed on switch nosemanny 360 shuvs probably 10 times now. I feel for you Kev.
I got a 5-0 fs shuv across the planter at wedge recently, the 5-0 180 was warming up for it. Jimmy learned one footed fs tailslides pretty nice the other day so he threw a little line together. Jimmy's quick ollie up the curb pole jam in philly was a lot harder then it looks. It was a fast set up.
We took a trip to dustbowls recently to try and film some stuff. We didnt get too much there but it always fun to cruise around. Kevin got a one footed wallride on the one of the bank to wall set ups. I can't believe it was a year ago that we skated the dustbowls when Collin Bauder, Joey Christoffers and Chop killed it. From the dustbowls we checked out this bank spot in Conshohocken that finally dried up. Thanks to my friend Matt for giving us directions to the spot. Check out his site Crookie Monster. Jimmy ollied the little gap a few times and did a gap to fs tailslide on the banks. John Provencher did a blunt to fakie on the bank.
Heres some photos from a random day at wedgewood:
Collin skating his long board. Photo by Erik Mangal
Collin ollieing the sketchy bank gap. Photo by Billy Simpson
Collin bs 180 one foot indy over the bank gap on his longboard. Photo by Erik Mangal.
Another view of Collins trick. Photo by Erik Mangal
Erik aka Karate Kid
Heres some photos Kevin Pham took at the fish banks:
The end of the clip is just a few tries of Collin Bauder trying to get a mute 360 over the sketchy transfer at wedge. He tried filming it on three separate occasions trying it for probably 40 minutes each time. I don't know how he kept trying it for so long. Landing on the steep, short bank was the part that was giving him trouble. Last week he finally got it with Penny filming fisheye and me filming long lense. Good work Collin!
Penny took this photo on his phone of one of Collins attempts.
This is Bams part from Toy Machines video "Jump off a building". This was one of the first videos I ever had. He skates the dustbowls at :20 seconds and :30 seconds. The ollie into that skinny bank is so sketchy in person. I think Joey Christoffers melon grab off the kicker tops Bams.
Heres some photos Jimmy took on his disposable camera while we were at the Dustbowls:
The tunnels are probably 20 degrees cooler then outside.
Jimmy getting a little creative drying off his shirt
My favorite one. John while skating the quaterpipe.
The essentials. Lots of water, my camera and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Me and John
Yeah Kev. Kevin got super close to fs wallriding one of the bank to walls.
Gettin Gnar!
that video was sick man, cant wait till framework!