After that we had a pretty good sesh at wedge. Joey got a sick line that ive seen him do probably 10 times but we finally filmed it. I was glad to see Chop out. Hes been grounded forever.

Collin 360 indy. Photo by Erik Mangal

Collin 360 indy. Photo By Erik Mangal

Collin 5050 bs 180 out attempt. Photo By Erik Mangal.

Joey 5050 attempt. Photo By Erik Mangal.

Joey C, Jeff, Joey P and Collin way in the back

Me trying this wallride. I got really close and then I feel and the board hit me in the head. I stopped trying it after that. Photo By Erik Mangal.

Joey Paone wallride. Photo By Erik Mangal.

Joey Christoffers huge Melon. Photo by Erik Mangal.

Joey Christoffers getting air. Photo By Erik Mangal
Sunday we skated philly. We had a big crew this time too. It was me, Collin Bauder, Joey Christoffers, Jeff Colombo, My brother Jimmy, Mangal, Chop and Tyler Lindsey. We all met up with Jeff and Collin at Cecil. From there Jeff took us around the city. First we skated this pretty fun wallride spot. Then we went to Burnt Cat to skate the benches (I have no clue why they call it that if anybody knows hah) Collin and Joey got some good lines.
Then We went to the Oregon ledges. That spot is really fun. The ledges grind so good. Erik got a good line and jim learned a pretty sick trick. Then we headed to FDR. I basically just watched Collin and Joey kill the ramp. Thanks to Jeff for showing us around today and to Erik for drivin. Jimmy brought his 8mm camera to the city too. Im excited to see how that stuff turns out.

Jimmy Front Blunt at Burnt cat. Photo By Billy Simpson

Tyler at Burnt Cat. Photo By Billy Simpson
Heres a Clip of Some extra Tricks and falls from the weekend. Featuring Collin Bauder, Joey Christoffers, Jimmy Simpson and Alex Robinson. Jimmys trick is the first trick in a line that almost got done and Alexs trick is on the sketchy bank to ledge that him, collin and Joey skated
watch in high quality
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