Featuring Joey O'Brien, John Provencher, Chris Chihlas, Dustin Detweiler, Kevin Pham, Mikey O'Brien, Billy Simpson, Mark Biedlingmaier, Pat McCullion, Jimmy Simpson, Alex Robinson and Collin Bauder.
Merck Banks
A memorable session we had was at the Merck Banks. Everybody was killin it. I refilmed a bs 5-0 to fakie, Chris Chihlas was doing some real nice 5-0 grinds and John Provencher got a nice back tail on it. John has done some sick stuff there in his "Creatures of Habit" part and "Collective" Part. Joey O'Brien was the MVP of the day. First he did a perfect bs bluntslide to fakie, twice. I thought that was sick enough but he ended up doing a sick bs bluntslide 270 that were saving for "Framework".
After that we went out back behind the banks to skate the grass gap. Chris started it off right away doing a perfect heelflip in about 5 minutes. He did it again so I could film it. The second time was even better. Jimmy found a random skinny pole and jammed it in the grass at the top of the gap. After a few tries he did a perfect pole jam down the gap. Joey O'Brien and Dustin Detweiler were battling for a few heelflip tricks. Joey was trying fs heelflip and Dustin was trying bs heelflip. They both landed on their tricks probably 10 times. Eventually Joey landed bolts on his trick and Dustin almost landed the bs heelflip right after. After slamming for around a half hour striaght Dustin called it.
King of Prussia Flat Spots
Another memorable session we had recently was a trip to the King of Prussia flat spots. Thanks to my friend Matt at crookiemonster.com for telling me how to get there. The spot reminds me a lot of the Swenksville flat spots we used to skate. Jimmy killed that spot in his "Collective" part.
Right off the bat Mark Biedlingmaier fs flipped it perfect. Then I started filming and he did it again for the camera. Joey O'Brien did an amazing bs bigspin and got super close to a 3 shuv. John Provencher did a real nice bs flip and Jimmy Simpson did a sick bs bigflip. Kevin Pham was doing some different stuff with ollie to disaster over the gap, Joeys little brother Mikey O'Brien did a nice bs 180 and I landed on fs shuv probably six times but didn't ride away. After that we checked out the woods spot right next to the flat spots and Mark did the front board 270 on the sketchy bank.
On the way home from the flat spots we stopped off at the Sunoco pole jam that we found a while back. Mark and Joey both regular pole jammed it and I filmed a one footed pole jam. Thankfully a cop didn't show up like the last time.
Norristown Highschool
Another spot we skated recently was the Norristown highschool. This time we weren't as successful. We started out at the stairs. Chop went straight for a 5-0 on the rail right up against the wall. His toes were sliding along the wall so he actually waxed the wall too haha. He got pretty close but after cutting his hand pretty bad and trying it for a while he gave up. Dustin Detweiler landed on a sick switch flip 3 or 4 times and hit his head on one of the attempts. Joey O'Brien landed a nice bs flip down the stairs.
While I was filming everyone on the stairs my brother Jimmy did a sick wallride down the 3 stair. Davis Trinh's photo of it turned out real nice. After that we tried to skate the manny pad but no luck on any tricks. Kevin Pham was getting real close to switch nosemanny and I landed on a half cab manny revert.
Check Jack Sabback's sick trick on the Norristown pad at 1:25
Here are some photos from Norristown:
Jimmy found some bags of shredded paper that we basically bean bag chairs. Perfect for watching all the guys kill themselves on the stairs. Photo by Davis Trinh
Brothers shot! Jimmy found a nice chair for me to use while I filmed everybody. Thanks dude. Photo by Kevin Pham.
Dustin after killing himself on the stairs for a while. Photo by Davis Trinh.
Jimmys wallride. One of the my favorite photos. Photo by Davis Trinh.
Media section haha. Photo by Davis Trinh
Joey O'Brien bs flip. Photo by Kevin Pham.
Sick angle of Chop trying his fs 5-0. Photo by Kevin Pham.
Dustin's switch flip attempt. Photo by Kevin Pham.
Jimmy found these boxes with different renditions of famous paintings on each side, So he did some artsy ollies over them haha. Van Gogh ollie. Photo by Kevin Pham.
Warhol ollie. Photo by Kevin Pham.
There are some older tricks and random ones in this clip too. Joey O'Brien killed the Tombstone skatepark. One day we skated there for a little bit and he banged out tricks off the pyramid over the rail. His kickflip was just one of them. We tried to film some stuff at the Fedex gap but no luck just like last time. We all had fun throwing rocks at the guardrail though haha. Before we went to the Fedex gap we tried to skate China bump. Joey Paone landed on a bunch of varial heels and Jimmy got real close to a impossible. Collin showed up and foot planted the door haha, so sick. They were having a party inside the restaurant and they were having karaoke. That was very entertaining haha.
The last few tricks are some of the older ones. My friend Pat Hennigan let us borrow his pole jam that he made in shop class haha. We brought that thing to a bunch of spots. My one footed pole jam manny is from a few years ago. I recently filmed a lipslide nosemanny 180 out on the wedge planter so I threw the regular one in this clip. John's line at wedge is from this past winter when he was just getting back into skating. He's got some sick back tails on the bank.
Davis Trinh got a new lens for his camera. Heres some portraits taken with it.
Trying to look serious haha. Photo by Alex Robinson.
A nice photo of Kevin Pham. Photo by Davis Trinh
Kevin is always smiling. I like that. Photo by Davis Trinh

This photo is from 3 or 4 weeks ago when we had a awesome session at the bump to grass gap in Harleysville. Pat McCullion did a nice varial flip and Jimmy did a perfect bs bigspin. This is a photo Davis Trinh took of the bs bigspin.