Kevins Parkour impression. didnt go to well.

Kevin bs 180 11 attempt. Check the clip for the attempt.

Chop ollie 11 on the oldschool board. He got it in 4 or 5 tries.
Then we headed to wedge. Randomly we decided to stop at China bump cause jimmy said he wanted to switch fs bigspin it. After 10 or 15 tries he got it perfect! good work jim. Chop got real close to a fs wallride and took so slams. Tyler got real close to switch bs 180.
After that we headed to wedge. We set up a launch ramp onto the big bank at wedge. Chop got a nice nosegrind pop in on it and Anthony Krystopa got a noseslide on it. Kevin Pham got a fs 5-0 revert on the bank. I landed a wallie noseslide and wallie crook on the white bench. I was pretty hyped!
Sunday Jimmy left for school and hes living in the philly now. Good Luck Jim! Sunday me and chop went on a mission together to this rail. It is a 17 stair round rail that is ridiculous! It really just seems like a snowboard rail. There is no runway so he had to go really slow and just balance it. It was on a slight angle and really long. Everytime he got halfway down he would lose his balance and jump off onto the stairs. Then one try he held on through the whole thing and rode away! We were both completely shocked haha. Definitely the craziest thing ive ever seen and filmed.
After that we met up with Kevin Pham and Tyler Lindsay. We headed over to wedge and had a quick sesh. Then we went spot searching around norristown. We found this awesome pole jam at a closed down dealership. It was set up right over a grass gap. Chop got super close to landing it but fell cause the ground was so messed up. Then tyler got two in a row! I landed a one footed pole jam over it. Thanks for filming Chop!

Me doing a one footed pole jam and chop filming. Photo by Kevin Pham

Tyler Lindsay Pole jam, me filming. Photo by Kevin Pham
Then we headed to this spot in Audubon that we skated a couple weekends before. Kevin got a nice run. He did a pole jam and then bs 180 over the barrier. I landed on nollie bs shuv manny fs shuv out probably 7 or 8 times on the manny pad but couldnt get a good one. it was pretty frustrating. Thanks for filming so long kevin! Overall a really fun weekend.
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