I met Tyler a few years ago through John Provencher. I liked the way he skated right away. He was always down to skate some crappy spot and thats why I like skating with him. The first trick we filmed was the bs boardslide to fakie on the physical theraphy banks in souderton. That spot sucks and is so hard to skate and he got a few tricks there. Tyler is always trying to rig up some sketchy spot. like his wallride on the barrier. He found a piece of wood somewhere and set that thing up. A perfect example is his pole jam in his part. That was at the telford library in the tennis court. The ground is really bad and there are a lot of cracks in it. Tyler found that pole somewhere and decided to push it under the broken blacktop and made a sick polejam out of it. It was real steep too.
Tylers stuff at the merck banks was sick. that spot is hard to get anything. He did the blunt to fakie so easily and fs 5-0 revert is so hard with that skinny path. The last trick in his part was insane. That bank spot is in perkasie and it's real high. I can barely get a good wallride on it and he managed to boardslide the top and make it look like nothing. good work!
Heres his part from our video "Collective" 2008. Filmed by Billy and Jimmy Simpson. Edited by Jimmy Simpson
Tyler Lindsay Scary lookin drop in. I liked how geometric everything looked
One of my favorite photos. Tyler Lindsay bs boardslide
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