Its been snowing pretty much all month so its gonna be a little bit before I can get enough skate footage to put anything on here. Me and John Provencher are working on a mini ramp clip so that should be up soon. Anyways heres a sick clip Joey put up featuring Collin Bauder, Anthony Krystopa and Joey Christoffers at Blue Mountain. Filmed by Joey Christoffers.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Jonathan Murphy's "Press Play" video
Featuring parts from Mark Biedlingmaier, Dustin Detweiler, Joey O'brien, Jared Alston, Tyler Dytrek and Justin Mckenny
Also featuring some tricks from Joey Paone, Mikey O'brien, Dan Trauger, Billy Simpson, Jon Murphy and more.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
2009 Summer Montage
2009 Summer Montage Edited by Herd Adis and Filmed by Kevin Nguyen on his little HD camera. Definitly a good summer of skating. Featuring Kevin Pham, Kevin Nguyen, Alex Robinson, Billy Simpson, Cory Quigley, Jimmy Simpson, Pat McCullion, Tyler Lindsay, Alex Cassidy and Herb Adis.
Watch the clip on full screen in HD on youtube.
Watch the clip on full screen in HD on youtube.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Pennys Snowskate Clip
Penny posted this a while ago but it seems appropriate right now with the 3 feet of snow outside. Im ready for winter to be over.
Monday, February 8, 2010
"Collective" Full Video

This is the front and back cover Jimmy designed for "Collective" 2008. He did a really good job.
Heres all the parts from our video "Collective" in the correct order. We had a lot of fun working on this video and I'm very proud of it. Everybody worked really hard on their parts. I put in a lot of hours filming everyone and Jimmy put a lot of work into the editing. Im really happy with the way everything turned out. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Quigley at the Sellersville Theatre for letting us have a premiere and Jay Delp at Delp Productions for helping us out on getting the DVDs made.
We have been working on our new video "Framework" since December 2008. We are aiming to have it done sometime in 2010. Everybody has been working really hard on it.
"Collective" Trailer and Intro
Alex "Chop" Robinson "Collective"
John Provencher "Collective"
friends section "Collective" from focus17 on Vimeo.
Pat McCullion "Collective"
Tyler Lindsay "Collective"
Billy Simpson "Collective"
Vinni Prosseda and Kyle Schmidt "Collective"
Pat Owens "Collective"
Jimmy Simpson "Collective"
Erik Mangal "Collective"
"Collective" Outro
"Collective" Extras Part 1
"Collective" Extras part 2
Forgotten extra tricks from "Collective"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
"Collective" Outro
Heres the Outro to our video "Collective" from 2008. Edited by Jimmy Simpson. Filmed by Billy and Jimmy Simpson. Jimmy was kind of rushed to finish this little clip cause we had the premiere the next day. Its kind of short but a lot of the shots in here really have some funny stories behind them. I think these are the kinds of clips that the people who were there appreciate more. But I hope you like it anyways haha.
I filmed the clip of John Provencher dropping in on that steep bank and I can remember me and Vinni Prosseda talking about how he was gonna fall so hard haha. That bank is scary and has a big crack at the bottom. Not to mention thats a really busy street. Its funny cause Jimmy actually lives right across the street from there now.
The clip of Tyler Lindsay giving that kid a highfive was pretty funny. Tyler was trying to ollie this gap off a 2 stair over a sidewalk thats in his part at 1:09. I remember the entire time Tyler was trying it the little kid just kept talking about Wolverine and other superheroes he liked haha.
The quick shot of Chop at City Hall always makes me laugh. Thats right after he landed the halfcab flip over the 6 set thats in his part at 2:50. He was so happy that he landed it he jumped in the air and just started giggling and laughing haha.
The clip of Pat McCullion ollieing the guy on the train was a really funny day. We were waiting for the train to come and these two drunk guys who just came from the phillies game were waiting too. Somehow it ended up that they wanted Pat to ollie over them in the train station. They were saying some of the dumbest stuff ive ever heard. Then when we got on the train and the one guy wanted Pat to ollie over him in the train. I could tell Pat was nervous he was gonna get in trouble on the train and I really thought that the other people on the train were gonna say something. Surprisingly nobody who worked on the train said anything and everybody who was on the train with us was cheering him on and they all seemed pretty entertained haha. Pat was having trouble getting speed and right when he finally ollied him we stopped at the Lansdale station. It was perfect timing.The clip of John Provencher and Tyler Lindsay digging out that bank spot in perkasie with a 2x4 and a trashcan lid always makes me laugh. I wasn't there cause of work or something but I guess John, Tyler and my brother Jimmy were pretty desperate to skate. Tyler is always trying random stuff and sometimes it works. I guess after all that work, digging out the bank, Tylers roll in attempt didnt really work out but I give it to him for trying.
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