I've known Pat for about 6 years. We both grew up skating the same spots. A lot of crappy spots in Harleysville and Souderton haha. Its funny cause when we were little there was this little competitiveness between my brother Jimmy and Pat haha. Pat always surprised me with the tricks he did. He always had a lot of pop and could do a lot of nollie and switch tricks. He has a lot of good ledge tricks.
The shot of Pat falling at the Luther ledges is a pretty funny story. We drove all the way to the spot and nobody was really feeling them. They were pretty steep and scary. Pat decided to go for a tailslide. He kind of hesistated and pretty much jumped out to the ledge and landed ass first. It was ridiculous. He got this big cut on his ass. The following weekend we went to City hall in Philly. We were skating the one ledge that you can grind the inside. Pat got a crook on it and a fs tailslide. He was going for a fs 5-0 180 and slipped out. He hit the same spot on his ass that he hurt at the luther ledges haha. He made the funniest face and said "What the fuck, again!." I couldnt help laughing haha. You can see it at the end of this clip. Pat can get a little frustrated when were filming.
I really liked the ledge tricks that Pat did for this video. His cab noseslides are sick. Thats a really tough trick. The switch 180 5-0 revert and halfcab crook revert were really surprising too. I remember pat randomly learned nollie front crooks at wedge. I dont think he could do them regular haha. We filmed the line with the cab over the can and he wasnt too happy with the way he did it so we filmed it again as a single trick. The single trick one looked so nice.
Another trick that I thought was really different for Pat was the halfcab noseslide to 5-0 on the two stair ledge. Cory Quigley was showing us around the city and took us to that spot. Pat was trying to think of something different to do and the half cab noseslide to 5-0 just worked for him. I love the way it turned out.
Pats nollie bs flip at china bump was the most surprising trick. He had been trying it for a while and it was not working out at all. He couldnt really get the timing right and wasnt popping it very high. Then on one good try he just popped it right and caught it so nice. Definitely one of my favorite tricks that I've seen at that spot.
A couple of tricks Pat really worked for were the 180 fakie 5-0 180 out at the dustbowls. It was the hottest day and Pat took some falls trying the trick. We were all pretty shocked when he pulled it off. The nollie flip noseslide line took a long time to get haha. We probably tried filming it on 3 seperate occasions. We were both relieved when he finally got it.

One day we were randomly skating around souderton and Pat claimed a front board on this high flatbar. We had always seen it but no one ever tried anything. I got so excited that he got it I jumped up and down haha. This is one of my favorite tricks in his part.

Pat is really good at bs 180 nosegrinds. He has a few in his part. My favorite one for sure is the one at baldi on the top stair. Another one of my favorite tricks in his part.
Another old photo of Pat 5-0 the barrier at the flatspot in quakertown. I wish that barrier was still their.

Old photo of pat doing a huge half cab over the quakertown 6 that no longer exist.
Pats frontboard attempt at hatfield. Broken board
Old photo of Pat, Jimmy and John going home from philly.
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