Saturday we started out at wedgewood. It was me, Joey Christoffers, Joey Paone, Blake Wetherington, Anthony Krystopa, and Erik Mangal. Later on Chop, Kevin Pham and Kevin Nguyen stopped by. It was good seeing them. I could watch Kevin Pham do tre flips all day. Check the link.
After wedge we tried going over to the circuit city gap but it started pouring. We went back to Lansdale and it hadn't started raining yet. We went over to the China Bump. Joey Paone got a nice bs 360 off the ramp and Joey Christoffers got a real nice fs lipslide on the cart off the ramp but I'm an idiot and missed it. Sorry Joey! Blake got real close to a nice crook on the cart off the ramp but it started raining to hard so he had to stop. Then we headed over to Colin Flegeal's indoor mini. I suck at mini but it was cool watching Joey Christoffers, Joey Paone and Anthony K kill it.
Sunday we started out at wedge. Everybody was skating and killin it. There we a ton of people there. Collin Bauder and Mike Forward got some sick manny trick on the marble pad. After a while we headed over to Norristown high school. It was me, Collin Bauder, Erik Mangal, Chop, Kevin Pham, Anthony K, Nate W, Joey Paone, and Blake. Collin was trying this line where he would do something on the ledge in the back and then bs 180 the stairs. The stairs are really sketchy haha. You have to clear the stairs and some big holes in the ground that make it a couple of feet longer. He got the bs 180 but not in a line. Were gonna go back and refilm it. Then we had a session on the manny pad for a while. Collin was trying some ridiculous trick but couldn't put it down. I could tell Collin was getting bored when he started climbing on the roof haha. Nate got close to some really nice stuff too. Chop, Joey Paone and Kevin Pham got some good manny tricks. Anthony was ollieing up the pad, which looks pretty tough, and got robbed when he landed his manny trick but shot out on the landing. Erik got the MVP award for doing 3 sick tricks. Overall a fun weekend.
Joey Christoffers inward heel attempt. Basically landed it but he wanted to try something else. Photo By Erik Mangal
Joey Paone bs 360 china bump. Photo by Erik Mangal
Blake Miles Wetherington ollie. Such a rich guy name. Photo by Erik Mangal.
Collin Bauder bs 180. This set is so sketchy. Photo by Erik Mangal
Extra tricks from the weekend. A lot of tranny in this one. Featuring Rayskin riders Joey Christoffers, Erik Mangal, Anthony Krystopa, and Collin Bauder on the roof haha. Also featuring Joey Paone, Mike Forward, and Blake Wetherington
Check the Rayskin site for decks and surfboards
Sorry about the crappy mini ramp filming. You seriously have to see this in person. Joey Christoffers just flys everywhere and the footage of Ants ollie up the pad doesnt give it justice. That thing is pretty high. The footage of Joey dancin is after he landed the lipslide. Of course I get the dancin and not the trick haha.
Watch in high quality
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